Saturday, February 9, 2013

I can't believe it's already February... Time has been flying by and I'm really grateful because the sooner we get through the next couple weeks then hopefully it will be warmer. I don't know what my problem is exactly but this last January was not exactly the best way to start the year. I know I shouldn't let other people  or circumstances determine how I feel because I choose to be happy but I think it was kind of depressing. One of the reasons is because the sun hardly came out. The first couple weeks it was so stinking cold...I've lived here in Cedar for 5 winters and that was definitely the worst.(and it's still not all over but I think the worst is done) I told Kyle I can't wait for next year because he will be done with school at SUU and unless we both get better jobs then we're moving to where it doesn't snow. I should be living in the moment and be enjoying life as it is now but I CANNOT WAIT to move. I love Cedar, my work (not the pay), our ward, neighbors, our  apartment, and just being with Kyle but I just want to be able to move on with things. 
Here's what we've been up to the last month...not a whole lot but a couple of things happened.
Kyle started his second to last semester at SUU. He's finishing up the last of his pre-requisites for Graduate School. He has a couple of pretty hard classes and is really busy with that a lone but then when you add on work, shadowing, a research project he's doing and a "needy wife" he feels exhausted most of the time. This summer he'll take the GRE and start applying for schools. Then in the fall Kyle will finish up the rest of his major. 
Naomi- I feel like all I do is work...honestly that's it. I think that is one of the reasons I hated January...I didn't ever feel like doing anything. But I have started a couple of projects to keep me busy. I pulled out my sewing machine...(Kyle asked where I got it...I had to tell him I had it before we got married but I just haven't used it. He just laughed. Sad.) I started a Levi blanket probably two years ago but I'm determined to finish is now. I also re certified for CPR 1st Aid and on Wednesdays I've been going to the church to do exercising classes with our relief society.

After school started while everyone's school work was at a minimum we had a get together with some of Kyle's friends Jan 11-12. We had  a game night Friday, Saturday we went to lunch at Ninja, then bowling and then watched some football at Vance and Teisha's. 

Randy and Ariel came down from Provo to hang out

Us, I was sick this whole week...We had people calling out from work so it was more stressful and hardly anyone felt good so it was exhausting . This was the week that is was soooo COLD.

The next weekend Kyle and I went down to the Temple with his parents. The session we were in was the biggest one I've ever been in. We decided we weren't going to be going on Saturday's anymore it's just too busy. We then went to lunch at Olive Garden. After that we went and saw my mom and dad and Jared at his wrestling tournament. We got to see Jared wrestle in the championship round but he came in 2nd. Then we went to Costco and headed back up to Cedar. Kyle was excited that we were going to weather and he brought shorts to wear after the temple. :) He didn't care that it was still chilly. Then Sunday we talked in church about the Marriage Symposium that was the next week. We went to that on the 26th. 

Friday nights or Saturdays we have been going to basketball games or the gymnastics meets at SUU. It's always good for me because it helps me get out of the house. Luckily we've been able to get me a free ticket each time. (thanks to Brent and Tonya and Debbie Baker)
I had to take a picture of these ladies...It was pretty cool and made me laugh...They were 50-90 years old and danced to Gangnam Style :)

Kyle and I went down to the valleys the next weekend. Kyle had a scholarship thing Saturday and right after he was done we left for the south. :) It was amazing...everytime you walked outside there wasn't  a stinging cold that hit you. On Sunday afternoon we even spent some time outside without sweaters or jackets. We had a good time with Kyle's family watching the Super Bowl. 
49ers 31- Ravens 34

Ashlynn eating...her and Katelee are so cute

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