Sunday, July 6, 2014

Phone Pictures....

I have been so bad at this blogging thing that it would take me to write about the last 6 months so I will just do it in pictures...

Tyson and Hannah needed some visitors so we headed down to Arizona for a couple of days.

We got to do a session at the Mesa Temple

Thanks for taking us to the range

This always cracks me up when I see it.

We saw this guy when we were leaving the lake...we named him
BURROito :)
Tazden Dalton was born

March and April

This cutie turned 4

He wanted a Dodger's cake for his Birthday

This Cutie had a Birthday too...look at that those lips

We went for a train ride at the Clark County Fair


Grandma Ellen's Birthday

It is right because Mrs. Ozaki just told me....haha this makes me laugh everytime I see it. I should have just given
this student the point :)

Went for a bike ride with Walter and Abigail to Bunkerville

I forgot about this desk..One of my students brought me a couple of rocks everyday for like 2 weeks during our rock unit. I turned the desk around so the opening was against the wall and got to clean it out at the end of the year.

Memorial Day at the Rec. Center

Happy Father's Day 2014

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